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  • erikaebsworthgoold

Oh, The Places You Went!

This morning: a word about summer travel. You all got *out* there, and it was so fun to follow along.

Let’s back up a moment. It’s hard to believe it’s already August. Soon, many of us will be winding down our summers, getting our children ready to go back to school, and leaning into fall.

Is that a sigh of relief, or sadness? Perhaps a bit of both?

But you made the most of this summer. You wrung everything out of it, and launched yourselves to all sorts of fantastic places.

You walked through the Acropolis in Greece. You ate pizza and pasta in Italy. You marveled at the Eiffel in France.

You scaled the mountains in Switzerland, had siestas in Spain, and combed the incredible beaches in Portugal.

You pubbed it up in London, ran races in Scotland.

You explored the jungles and beaches of Belize, Guatemala, and Costa Rica.

And closer to home, you discovered Oregon’s Crater Lake, took Florida rest and relaxation, got time in with the summer aspens in Colorado, sampled Christmas chiles in New Mexico, and took advantage of pure Michigan.

At one point late last month, folks I knew were in every single one of those spots, all at the same time! My social feeds have been flooded with incredible travel images this summer. So many of my friends returned to travel in a big, bold way. I’m happy for each and every one of you and your families.

These photos of new, fabulous memories make me happy and give me so much hope. Hope that maybe, just maybe, we are making our way out of the pandemic nightmare. That maybe we can really start to enjoy getting back out there. And that maybe, more of us will be able to do the same. As Dr. Seuss famously wrote, “Oh, the places you’ll go.” I know this is just the start.

As many of you know, I was blessed to have joined a sailing of Viking’s newest ship back in June, and loved re-discovering the Great Lakes. My next travels remain TBD. I’m hoping to have big news to share soon about my next adventure!

But for now, thank you so much for taking me along as you all embraced the journey this summer. Here’s to getting back out there, and pushing ourselves to do, see and experience something new.



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