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I Am So, So Grateful


I think we can all agree that the past three or so years has been a s***-show of epic proportions, right?

Perhaps that’s why I am feeling so fortunate as this long Thanksgiving weekend winds down. As I look back on 2022, of course my family, friends and feeling fulfilled all top the list of things for which I am so, so grateful. But there’s something new to add to my list, or rather, something that returned to it.

And that’s travel, of course.

After graduating in May, I realized I was going to need another big thing, another 5-year goal. I quickly realized the best option was to recommit myself to advancing my freelance travel writing portfolio. I opened myself up to the possibility of growing, stretching, and sharpening my skills. After all, there’s no better person to bet on than yourself.

The universe answered, in ways I could not have imagined.

I’ve been on an epic expedition adventure on the Great Lakes. I visited the lovely country of Croatia for the very first time. I delighted in a crazy solo overnight layover in Rome. And today, I’m packing my bags to check out the renowned Christmas markets along the Rhine River.

I am so, so grateful.

I took a chance on what I thought could be a terrific story for a brand-new outlet, and learned about efforts to save an endangered language right here in Missouri. I pitched the tale, and told it well. I went through the nerve-wracking process of working with a new editor. And I got the thrill of seeing my name in a new byline.

I am so, so, grateful.

I applied for membership in the Society of American Travel Writers, and was accepted. I’m traveling to a selective travel industry conference in the new year.

I am so, so, grateful.

Most of all, I am grateful for what’s found at the intersection of travel and storytelling. Those, of course, are the people. The wonderful writing colleagues, who were all so warm and supportive. The people who were gracious enough to share their homelands, culture and customs with me. My fellow travelers, who delighted in our shared adventures just as much as I did. And of course, everyone back home who’s been rooting for me and so supportive as I start to explore this new big, fat, audacious goal.

I am so, so grateful.



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