As most of you know, I’ve got a son.
One. That’s it.
For reasons I’m not going to get into here, we decided to have just one child. He’s been the light of our lives, the delight of our days, and raising him has been the privilege of our lives.
In one week, he starts his junior year of high school. We are proud of what he’s accomplished, and what he aspires to achieve in the future. As he gets ready for his academic year, I’m steeling myself for travel I’m really not looking forward to…
College visits.
Look, under normal circumstances, I love to travel. That’s why you’re reading this blog right now! The thrill of meeting new people, discovering new places, and delving into new cultures is a life passion for me, and I’m going to get out there and go any chance I get, be it a last-minute road-trip or an around-the-world extravaganza. But college visits?
I have known since the moment my son entered the world that it was his job to leave us. He is his own person, with his own life. But having that knowledge that doesn’t mean it’s been easy. We’ve tried our best to raise him up to soar someday. And that someday is coming up sooner than I had ever imagined.
So yeah, college visits. They’re important. We want to make sure his home for the next four years is the best fit possible. Especially since it will no longer be under our roof.
These trips will likely be to cool spots including the West Coast, upper Midwest and East Coast. Normally I’d be thrilled for long weekends in LA, Chicago or NYC. For the next year, I’m going to have to do everything I can to not turn into a sobbing mess. I simply can’t believe our time with him--as we we’ve known it--is coming to an end. It’s almost time to let him go, and for us to hope we’ve given him everything he needs to succeed.
To grow.
To learn.
To become the best version of himself.
I *think* the solution will be to do as I’ve always tried to with him; embracing and leaning into the transition. See each campus and place through his eyes. Delight in his excitement, and be excited for him. And hopefully, be on hand when he realizes he’s stepped foot in just the right spot.
His new home.
I hope he chooses well and wisely. I’ll likely be dropping by for a few visits.